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UX Research: FastFood App


For our usability class, we were given a prototype to do heuristic evaluations and usability testing on. We then made a report with the insights gained from of our findings and actionable recommendations. 


Role: UX Researcher

Team: Mia Spencer, Talia Potochny, Karan Karad, Saahari Kumar

Methods/Skills: heuristic evaluation, competitive analysis, flow/task creation, usability testing, script writing, interviewing

Scope: January - May 2022

Goal: Do usability testing and create a UX research report on the prototype provided to us.

My Contribution

We each did a full heuristic evaluation on the prototype. Then we chose three to flesh out and include in our presentation. I fleshed out “error prevention”. For our comparative analysis, I completed an analysis of “indirect competitors”.

Based off of a script given to us by our professor, I wrote the script so it made sense for us and our tasks. We each then found one participant and completed a usability test. We then put all of our notes into a spreadsheet.

I calculated the SUS score and created the slides with findings and recommendations for tasks 4 and 5.

overview of prototype we were given


The Prototype.

Heuristic Evaluation.

We used Nielsen's ten heuristics to do an initial evaluation of the prototype we were given. We discovered violations of 7 out of the 10 heuristics. We did an in depth analysis of three of them (class project requirement).


Below is an example of my analysis of violations of #5: error prevention:

list of heuristics
error prevention explained
shows the prototype's violation of error prevention
shows prototype's violation of error prevention

Comparative Analysis.

We then did a comparative analysis of both direct and indirect competitors. (I completed the analysis of indirect competitors, show below).


indirect competitors table
indirect competitors table
indirect competitors table

Recommendations based on the comparatitive analysis…

  • Creating a website in addition to the app for Fast Food

    • All of our competitors also had a website in addition to their apps to order food.

  • Sort by cheapest delivery fees for different restaurants listed

    • People got frustrated with vague or changing delivery fees, so by having an option to sort by cheapest ones, we allow users to choose restaurants/locations offering less expensive delivery fees.

  • Sort by fastest delivery times/preparation times

    • A lot of the  user feedback involved wanting the ability to order something quick.

  • Create an option for group ordering and payment to set our app apart

    • No other competitors we analyzed have an option to pay individually. 

  • Options to modify/customize food options

    • Standardized way of modifying foods to fit into dietary restrictions or allergies 

  • Customer service 

    • Need to make it clear on our interface how to get help for cancelled/wrong orders


On the right is a sample of the script for our usability testing interviews. 


Participants & Interviews.

Time was limited so each person in the group recruited and completed usability testing with one participant.


recruitment screener: who we recruited and excluded for testing
overview of our participants

Notes & Spreadsheet.

We input all of our notes from our interviews into one spreadsheet. 


overview of usability test notes spreadsheet
calculating system usability scale
notes form usability testing

Findings & Recommendations (of Task 3).

We did an analysis and created recommendations for each task flow. This is the analysis for task 3.


usability task completion times


Overall Quantitative Measures.

usability task rating analysis
system usability score

Overall Findings & Recommendations.

  • Confusing Features

    • participants did not understand and wanted instructions/walkthroughs for group ordering and user profile features

  • Counterintuitive Icons

    • users showed some confusion regarding the meaning of icons throughout the app

  • Security & Privacy: lack of information about protection

    • users concerned about using “locate me” as well as how their payment information would be protected if used in another app

  • Room for Improvement

    • users found most tasks relatively easy to perform and found the interface similar to delivery apps (and apps in general) they had used before

    • however, the SUS score was only 69.5 (68 being the minimum acceptable score), which leaves a lot of room for improvement



  • What I learned 

    • Had some technical difficulties during the usability testing, learned how to handle them and talk about them in the usability report

    • How to work with group members who had differing levels of engagement with the project

      • importance of communication

  • What could be improved

    • No one in our group had made prototype flows before so there wasn’t much discussion about what each flow needed to include, where it should start/end, type of interactions, etc

      • Learned how detail oriented you have to be when creating flows

    • Before usability testing, we didn’t spend much time making sure there are no errors in flows and everything runs how it is intended to
